Hello everyone.
New term, new ideas!
I have had a one-to-one tutorial with Helen this week and it has focused my mind before starting with module three. After discussing my intentions and visions I can already see new paths and different ideas forming regarding my inquiry proposal. I am excited to start researching and exploring further into the topic of inequality in dance.
I have noticed immediately that I am focusing too much on specific genders within my proposal. Looking at feminism, I have previously felt that it is essential to look at genders in terms of their different responses. After reflection, gender is not key in my inquiry and I believe I am conforming too much to the cut-dry definitions of gender- male and female. Inequality can happen to anyone and I want to examine how diverse it can be. This means my research will be more all-inclusive and encompass a wider range of perspectives.
One thing myself and Helen did discuss were ideal terms to use when addressing participants in relation to keeping my research neutral. When I carry out my focus groups I will create an open forum in which I will address all participants as 'performing artists' as opposed to 'female performers' or 'male performers'. This allows all participants to openly express their views without having a gender label. I am unsure how this will effect my analysis but I believe it's essential to hear every response in a neural manor and without any preconceived presumptions. I plan to keep my research ethical throughout. It will be interesting to hear how others in module three are ensuring ethical considerations are applied within their proposal. Please comment below.
Within these first few weeks of the module, I will focus on reading more into feminism, not just in a performance based setting, but at feminism in general. If anyone reading my blog has any recommendations on feminist literature I would appreciate your suggestions. It would be great to hear from others regarding their inquiry and if there are any connections that we can discuss or share knowledge on.
Good luck to all starting module three as well as those who are new or returning to the course.
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